Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Now after the snow the sky is blue, but it is really cold in our part of the world.  We are longing for these days  (see picture below)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's snowing in our part of the world.  We are working and watching the snow.  Hopefully the mountains are getting lots of snow to bank for the rivers next season.  Looks like it will be a great summer on the river.  Following is a picture of what is happening to our cars while we sit in the office working. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

This blog is not linked to our web site so I am going to blog a lot on this for fun.
It is beautiful on he river.  Some of my favorite days in my life are on the Salmon River.  It is so beautiful.  The stars are so bright that you close your eyes to go to sleep and have to keep opening them because it is amazing and beautiful.  The Salmon River gives me a chance to see the stars the way I did when I was a child.  City lights are beautiful but they mask the night sky with their lights.  If you haven't been away from the city for a while, yes the stars are there, and it is a natural amazing site.  Here are a few pictures of the Salmon River.

Friday, May 4, 2012

So Much To Offer

River trips have so much to offer! Not only do you get to enjoy great whitewater but there is incredible History; both Native American and River Running. You will get to learn about the geology of the canyon. River ecology and enjoy the wildlife that each of our trips have to offer.
We train our guides to teach you these things so you can have a greater appreciation for the canyon and river.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Our Guides

People sometimes ask what separates Tour West from the rest. The answer is simple, our guides! Our guides are incredible! They have such a love of the river and the people who travel with them. We have guides that have worked for Tour West for over 30 years! Today I received a call from a passenger who was so grateful for there guide and what a wonderful job he did on the river. We know if you choose Tour West you will get to enjoy a wonderful trip with the best guides around!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Play Together & Stay Together

Families that play together, stay together.
Join us on a whitewater rafting trip of a life time through
Enjoy memories with your family that will last a lifetime.